The News

Case studies

Making invisible risk, visible

10 Nov 2020

The world is at an inflection point for genetically powered risk prediction. Better technology, bigger data availability and declining costs of genotyping have all been critical driving forces to unlock our understanding of polygenic variation, and bring it out of theory into clinical practice.

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Making the impossible, possible

10 Nov 2020

Our mission at Genomics is to use genetic data to drive transformational insights into human biology and disease. Our approach focuses on using existing information, generated through scientific research, clinical and population health programmes across the world, but combining data sources and data types both in new ways and at a scale that is unique.

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Making the theoretical, practical

7 Oct 2020

Genomics plc has a major multi-year partnership with Vertex Pharmaceuticals, to use our understanding of human genetics and machine learning to improve the discovery of targets for precision medicines, and to advance the understanding of the clinical impact of human genetic variation and patient stratification in diseases with significant unmet need.

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Making the universal, personal

24 Jul 2020

Genetics is the single biggest predictor of an individual’s risk for many common diseases.

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